Our children are a very high priority here at CCC!
Our team of qualified, loving and screened parents and volunteers provide top-notch care to our children during services.
Childcare Schedule: (Campus Map/Room Locations: CCCCampusMap.pdf )
Sunday 10AM Service:
- Birth to 18 months (Nursery)
- 18 months walking to 3 years
(Room 14)
- Age 3 - Kindergarten (Room 17)
- 1st through 5th Grade (Calvary Kids Church -
Community Center)
Sunday 6PM Service:
- Birth to 18 months (Nursery)
- 18 months to 3 years (Room 14)
- 3 years to Kindergarten (Preschool Chapel)
Wednesday 7PM Classes:
- Birth to 18 months (Nursery)
- 18 months to 3 years (Room 14)