Bible Engagement Project

  • WHAT is the Bible Engagement Project?  A churchwide 40-week journey through the Bible via: personal and/or family devotions, small groups, kids church, youth group-all learning to listen and to engage the Word of God.

  • WHY are we doing this?  Tragically, Biblical illiteracy and consistent engagement in the Word of God is at an all-time low, across the nation.   THIS MUST CHANGE!  Truth is under attack in our society, and the Church must know—and must be hearing what the Word says… DAILY.    

  • HOW do we do it?  On your own and/or in a group.  Two formats available:

       MOBILE APP (for phones or tablets)
             · Includes 40-weeks of all age levels of study materials, videos, personal and family devotionals, etc.
             · Digital Community interaction with your Group
             · Take Study Notes, highlight Bible as you read, etc.
  • NOTE: Please ONLY download the app when you receive a link from a CCC staff member, in order to receive one of our Licenses and our special cost.  If you subscribe without a link from CCC, you will pay much more and you will not participate in the CCC group community project in the app.  

       PAPER FORMAT (provided in binders, every 3 months)
             · Adult only Group Studies and Daily Devotionals

  • WHEN? March 1st through December 1st  (40-Weeks)

  • COST:
    · Mobile App Only: $20 per Account/Log In (See above note about downloading the app ONLY from CCC.)
    · Paper Format Only: $10 per Quarter (Issued every 3 months)
    · BOTH Formats: $30 (+$10 each subsequent quarter for the paper)

  • How to Order:  See Sign up Sheet, Pastor Angela or contact the Church Office! (Please Pre-Pay via: Check (to CCC), cash, online (select Bible Engagement Project for category) or Text to Give (Text BEP to 916-866-7244.  If you haven't signed up for Text to Give, please do so first by texting CCCYC to the above phone number and follow instructions).

Follow CCC Facebook for more info and how to videos!


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Join us as we return the meaning of Memorial Day, honoring those who serve and sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy in our nation. We are grateful. And we remember.

A Grateful Nation Remembers

Freedom's Heroes Outdoor Memorial


"God loves a Cheerful Giver" 2 Corinthians 9:7


Love Like Jesus. Live Like Jesus. Lead Like Jesus.

2620 Colusa Hwy, Yuba City, CA 95993
